Achieving Healthy and Shiny Hair: Essential Hair Care Routine and Tips

Gone are those days when men and women used to have thick and long hair and when elderly people even in their eighties used to have thick, black hair. But with the advent of adulteration of food and water and the use of chemically manufactured products, having thick-long hair is a yonder cry. Adults today, in their early twenties are seen to suffer from hair fall and graying problems. So if you too are facing such problems or you have absolute that it’s time to start taking better care of your hair, leave your worries aside because we got your back! The process of finding a good hair routine seems more unnerving than finding your life partner, but once you have find “the one” that works for you, you will rarely stray. Here are a few tips that you can follow to have healthier and shinier hair.

1. Massage with hair oil

Your hair derives its nutrition from the hair oil that you apply. So massaging with oil is the most elementary step in your hair care routine. Oiling your hair regularly reinforces hair follicles and prevents hair fall, split ends, breakage, itchy scalp, and kinkiness. But make sure you use only natural and nourishing oil. Oiling your hair twice a week is highly recommended for healthy hair.

2. Cleansing hair

Oiling followed by cleaning hair thoroughly with a shampoo removes the dandruff and oil that block the hair follicles which abstains proper nourishment of hair. But it is essential to choose the right shampoo to cleanse your scalp and hair. Since every hair type is different, you need a shampoo that suits you. You might have to undergo a trial and error process to find “the one”. But it is always advisable to start with a natural one free from chemicals and artificial fragrances. It’s better to shampoo two hours after oiling your hair.

3. Follow up with conditioner

If you think that simply oiling followed by shampooing your hair would suffice, then wake up! Your hair needs conditioning too. Conditioning your hair tops up the moisture that your shampoo may have removed and helps to detangle your hair caused by washing and shampooing. It’s best applied to the middle and ends, as root application can upshot oily-looking scalp. 

4. Combing hair gently

Wet hair if not combed softly might lead to detangling and excessive hair fall, which in turn can damage your scalp. So restrain from rubbing, pulling or combing your wet hair aggressively. Get your hair game on by treating it with love and care.

5. Hair Steaming

Hydrating hair with steam makes your hair stronger and thicker. The heat from steam rejuvenates the dead hair follicles and helps retain moisture. So make it a routine of steaming your hair at least once a month to avoid hair thinning.

6. Keep it short

While having long hair, if you are experiencing excessive hair fall, it’s a sign that your scalp is fizzling out to nourish long hair. Even if proper nourishment does not suffice, consider keeping your hair short for a while to avoid hair thinning and split ends. If visiting a salon frequently is too much trouble, trim your hair yourself. Get yourself good pair of hair-cutting scissors and use a mirror to see the back of your head. 

7. Hair Spa

For better nourishment and treatment of your hair, consider going to a parlor for a hair spa treatment at least every month. Spa treatments reverse the damage caused by chemically manufactured products and also revive the dead hair follicles on the scalp and cleanse it.

8. Consulting a dermatologist

If none of the above tips work for you and your hair problems are still severe and persistent, do not hesitate to consult a dermatologist and follow the do’s and don’ts that your dermatologist suggests.


A hair care routine is as essential as your skincare routine. Thick and shiny hair adds to the magnificence of a person. But along with a hair care routine, it is also prudent to set some hair goals that will help you choose the right products to achieve your desired results. The lack of a proper hair care regimen might damage your hair or worsen its condition and most importantly, decimate your confidence to face others. Would you want that? So gear up and show some love and care to your hair.

Also, Read abouthaircuts for women

Khushi Gupta

Khushi, who hails from Assam, India, is the penwoman of this blog. She is a poet, artist, and a budding blogger. She is a compassionate writer and likes to challenge herself to learn new things. With a creative mind and insightful perspective, Khushi likes to weave her thoughts to create miracles. Her hobbies include blogging, poetry, painting, sketching, and dancing. You can connect with her on Twitter or Facebook.

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