How to Take Care of Your Natural Hair

Let’s be honest, hair is an asset for every person. Hair is an accessory that defines a person’s character and appearance and so it should be taken care of, to maintain healthy, shiny natural hair. There are innumerable hair care routines that one can follow. Even so, we are often confused about what should be our ideal hair care routine to maintain our natural hair.

Let me break down it for you! A healthy hair care routine should be followed by some basic instructions, which can be used on a daily basis consistently to maintain your natural hair. There are several categories of hair texture like straight, curly, coiled, or kinky hair, and each person should take care of their hair differently, it should be customizable for your hair and your hair goals.

There are a few simplistic but effective hair care routines that can be added to anyone’s natural hair care routine, which will fit into your busy schedule. The hair rituals and techniques vary depending on your hair texture and what it actually needs. If you are someone who is endeavoring to create a hair care routine all by yourself, to need to have a deep analysis of different kinds of hair care routines, which carries adjustment and experiments, to let you identify what works for you, and that’s completely fine, you should always opt for something that actually works for you.

Here are some elements of a healthy hair care routine that will help you to achieve your hair goals:

Detangle your hair

Natural hair has a different characteristic and it needs to be taken care of carefully without damaging your natural hair. Hair is prone to tangling, and applying any hair care product or any cleanser to your tangled hair could damage your natural hair and can lead to hair fall, but you don’t need to worry about losing your hair as I have a few tips to get you detangled, flawless hair.

  • Make three parts of your hair, and spray some water to wet it properly.
  • Separate your hair and clip the section you are not working on.
  • Apply some moisturizing conditioner evenly, and comb your hair slowly and easily.

Detoxing hair

If you notice your hair to be drier and your scalp to be oilier than usual, it perhaps indicates getting a clarifying detox session. There are two types of detoxes

  • A scalp detox
  • An overall hair and scalp detox 

Detoxes are typically like hair scrubs and toners that you might use on your skin. It exfoliates your scalp like the way you exfoliate your skin, a scalp detox includes a cleanser with all the natural properties, which draws out impurities and restores shine, bounce, and vibrancy to your hair. The detoxification and purification of your hair should be done at least three times a year, preferably during the warmer days.

Cleanse your hair weekly

One of the most important hair care tips is to wash your hair twice or thrice a week. It helps to cleanse and get rid of oily, sticky, greasy hair and scalp. You should know your hair type and how it reacts to washing. There are many shampoos available in the market, so choosing one ideal shampoo is an arduous task. However, it is always safe to use sulfate-free shampoos for your hair; shampoos induced with natural ingredients are always helpful to achieve naturally vibrant-looking hair.


Conditioning hair is the best way to retrieve, replenish, and hydrate your dry hair. It is a crucial step to be followed after every hair wash, as the washing and cleansing properties of a shampoo carry away all the moisture from your hair. Thus, your hair may look frizzy and unruly. Make sure you use a conditioner, whenever you wash your hair. A conditioner has a lot to offer to your hair, its benefits are magical to slay any day with your hair. It adds shine and bounces to your hair, which makes your hair look desirous.

Apply hair mask

Your hair is super fragile and to prevent your hair from frizz, you will probably need an added boost to your natural hair. You can use natural hair masks or natural hair treatments in your hair care routine. For instance, you can simply apply a hair mask, which is made by some natural products or you can get any natural hair mask from the market to use after conditioning your hair, which will nourish and restore your hair. This weekly treatment will strengthen your hair and help you to achieve your desired hair type.


There is nothing called “Perfect Hair”. There is always something that should be taken care of and taking care of your natural hair is the one aspect that everyone should lay importance to. Your hair texture completely depends on your genetics, diet, or diseases. Maintaining healthy natural hair and outshining the crowd is possible only when you know your hair and its necessities, the right amount of nutrients and natural resources will help you get thicker and healthier-looking hair.

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